February 29th marks the leap year for all those who follow the Roman calendar, and on that day, the tradition since medieval times has allowed women the privilege to propose marriage to their desired patriarchal figure. 根据罗马历法,2月29日标志着四年一遇的闰年的到来。2.29的女性求爱日传统可以追溯到中世纪时期:女性可以使用专属特权向心仪已久的男子表白求婚。
Our calendar is based on the early Roman calendar, which had only 10 months beginning in March. 我们现在使用的公历是基于早期的罗马日历,当时一年只有10个月,三月份为一年的开始。
It is so called because it was the day on which Christmas Day wascelebrated under the Roman calendar, before the adoption of theGregorian calendar. 在乔治亚历通用以前,这一天是以罗马历计算的圣诞节。